I am more pain than person right now

I have the horribly skinned knee that is on its second day of existence and it’s at the painfully taught/dry thinly scabbed stage, so I have to constantly moisten it which makes it hurt less but also makes it all fucking jizzy and leaky. :/

Also I was using some of my blood for an art thing earlier which I got by pricking my finger and toe a few times with one of the small needles I use for my t-shots. I was like “I’m not even gonna notice these finger pricks in a few minutes” FALSO BITCH, it’s hours later and mother trucker dude they hurt like a butt-cheek on a stick. :[

Author: E.P.R.

An ephemeral storm given sentient form, humanity's fearsome gale. Creating itself by the crown of its head to destroy what remains of the tail.

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